Positioning for Automation in AgriFood

Positioning for Automation in AgriFood

Careful, responsible, and efficient management of resources has become increasingly important, not just to the agriculture industry, but to the planet.

From real-time scanning of large areas of farmland to individual plant-level monitoring and treatment, the technologies that enable digital and precision agriculture include machine learning, autonomous robots and drones, innovative use of sensor data, and positioning technologies.

In this event brought to you by The Location Group, speakers from a range of industries will be giving their perspectives on the impact of different technological developments on agricultural sustainability and efficiency – both now and in the future. 

This event is sponsored Qualcomm Technologies International, kindly hosted by PwC, in their Cambridge office and delivered in collaboration with the Royal Institute for Navigation and will provide delegates with ample opportunities for networking and discussion. 

Speakers include:

  • Gemma Ball, Connected Places Catapult
  • Zoe Barker - Lecturer in Animal Science, University of Reading
  • Pedro Carvalho - Knowledge Transfer Manager, AgriFood KTN
  • Eliot Dixon - Head of Engineering, Agri-EPI Centre
  • David May - Deputy Director of LIAT, University of Lincoln
  • Ben Scott-Robinson - CEO and Co-Founder, Small Robot Company

Delivered in partnership with

Hosted by


Location SIG Champions

David Bartlett

David Bartlett

Head of Technology Positioning, u-blox UK

Bob Cockshott

Bob Cockshott

Knowledge Transfer Manager, Positioning, Navigation, Timing and Quantum, KTN

Dr Ramsey Faragher

Dr Ramsey Faragher

AI Working Group Chair, Royal Institute of Navigation

Ben Tarlow

Ben Tarlow

Senior Staff Engineer, Qualcomm Technologies International