AR/VR applications in the brain injury care pathway

Brought to you by The Healthcare Group

A joint event between CW and the NIHR Brain Injury MIC which explores Augmented and Virtual Reality applications for the prevention and treatment of brain injuries.

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About the event

NIHR logoBrain Injury MedTech

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A joint event between CW and the NIHR Brain Injury MIC*

Augmented and Virtual Reality applications are increasingly proposed for the prevention and treatment of brain injuries. At a time when technology is rapidly evolving, this event will bring together leading clinical experts to define areas of unmet needs and potential applications of the technology. It will also provide an opportunity for commercial providers and clinical teams to showcase their technologies and on-going applications. 

The brain injury pathway focusses on acquired brain injury typically from stroke or accidental or repeated impacts to the head. The consequences of these injuries are multi-faceted including physical, cognitive and emotional deficits which may or may not be successfully treated through rehabilitation. To reduce the burden on society the Brain Injury MIC is interested in technology interventions for all aspects of the pathway including prevention, pre-hospital medicine, emergency care, intensive care and rehabilitation.

Prevention has the potential to deliver the greatest return on investment. This can include the prevention of falls, particularly in the elderly. Can we predict patients at risk of falling and intervene to reduce risks? Concussion, especially in young children as well as elite sportsmen, is difficult to diagnose. Can we develop tools to simplify this for application in the schools or A&E context with the ability to monitor recovery or the need to intervene? Rehabilitation is dependent on the deficit resulting from the brain injury. Virtual reality can be applied to support recovering lost physical capabilities as well as emotional deficits by recreating difficult environments. VR might also be used in the developing of supportive environments for those living with long term disability. Gaming environments to support cognitive learning and retraining are also important.

The event will be supported by members of patient advisory groups as well as key personnel from grant funding and investing organisations who will provide critical advice on proposed products and applications. The event is designed to encourage networking and future collaborations as well as provide for supportive exhibits of products.

Nb: The NIHR MedTech Co-operative is interested in technologies that can be applicable to brain injury patients, so is not limited by condition.

The NIHR Brain Injury MedTech Co-operative provides a “go-to” centre of expertise for understanding the Acquired or Traumatic Brain injury care pathway and for the development of medical technologies to support prevention and improving patient outcomes.

The NIHR Brain Injury MedTech Co-operative aims to:

  • Find: Identify areas of unmet need throughout the brain injury pathways that might be amenable of a technology-based innovation.
  • Facilitate: Promote the generation of innovative solutions through the facilitation of interdisciplinary communication and collaboration between the NHS, academia, industry and public organisations.
  • Foster: Support the translational pathway of viable solutions from initial concept to successful market adoption and sustainable clinical impact.

The NIHR Brain Injury MedTech Co-operative is one of the eleven MedTech Co-operative and In Vitro Diagnostic (MICs) funded by the NIHR across the country. The MICs facilitate collaboration with patients, carers, NHS, charities, academia, inventors, SMEs, business angels and medtech companies. The MICs catalyse innovation in clinical areas of unmet needs for NHS patients and is committed to develop new concepts, demonstrate proof of principle and devise re- search protocols for medical devices, healthcare technologies and technology- dependent interventions.

The NIHR Brain Injury MIC will build on the significant achievement of the NIHR Brain Injury Healthcare Technology Co-operative (HTC), 2013-2018. The MICs are here to support SMEs/start-up to access the wider NIHR, get in touch directly to find out more.

Twitter: @NIHRBrainMIC  

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*As this is a collaborative event, your registration data will be shared with NIHR purely for the purpose of event logistics. View NIHR privacy policy.

Technology Showcase Presenters

Organisation Presenter Profile

Shreepali Patel,

Story Lab,

Anglia Ruskin University

The Power of Immersive Storytelling – Clinical and Patient Needs. This talk will look at two projects. The Golden Window (a short film exploring the patient / carer relationship and cooling techniques for babies experiencing traumatic birth through a heightened and immersive visual and sonic landscape. The second project, a VR project ‘The River’ made for hospice and immobile patients – part of a pioneering VR experience for healthcare professionals to engage with patients and their families in a different way. We will discuss the technical parameters of the filmmaking process – how we made both projects with the patients / carers as the primary audience.

Brigitta Zics,

SoftV Ltd

SoftV Ltd is a dynamic digital gamification company formed in 2013 with the aim to gamify Neuroscience and related Medical Applications including Apps and online services of benefit to the wider public and patient community.

David Fried,

Evolve Ltd

Evolv is a certified medical device manufacturer specializing in developing rehabilitation technologies using the latest in virtual reality, motion capture systems and gamification. Our flagship product VirtualRehab is a pioneering cloud-based telerehabilitation platform that uses gaming to complement traditional rehabilitation and has been used by thousands of patients in over 150 centres in 20 countries around the world. Our solutions empower patients by allowing them to take an active role in their rehabilitation, thereby improving adherence to treatment and ultimately leading to improved patient outcomes.

Szczepan Orlowski,

Animorph Ltd

VR Training for Nurses - A mobile VR communication training app for hospital staff working with young people suffering from cancer. It aims to increase confidence in interactions with patients. This empathy tool will improve the patient experience, and turn the knowledge of medical staff into innovative best-practice immersive training.

Szczepan Orlowski,

Animorph Ltd

AR Navigator - Wearable Augmented Reality app for Magic Leap One glasses that uses computer vision to recognise real life objects, and present users with the information about them using speech synthesis. The prototype has many potential use cases such as helping people navigate their surroundings.
Rescue Racer

Alex Kiderman, Neuro Kinetics Incorporated

RESCUE-RACER utilises the most promising and technologically-advanced concussion assessments currently available, including NKI’s innovative I-PAS™ (I-Portal® Portable Assessment System), which will be demonstrated by the company’s Chief Technological Officer.
NIHR Medtech Co-Op

Jen Martin,

Oxford VR Ltd / Mental Health: NIHR MindTech MIC

Many people with mental health conditions find day-to-day life extremely frightening and this has a devastating impact on their life. VR provides a way to quickly and safely take people into these situations and help them learn how to overcome their fears through psychological therapy, and excitingly, research shows that the learning in VR translates to the real world. In this session we will introduce the gameChange project, which is using VR within NHS services to transform the lives of people with psychosis and also allow delegates to try out OxfordVR’s new fear of heights intervention.
UEANewBrand Stephanie Rossit, University of East Anglia Portable patient-led virtual reality tools for assessment and rehabilitation of spatial neglect
Spatial neglect is a highly prevalent and severe neuropsychological disorder defined as a failure to respond to the side of the space opposite to the side of the brain lesion. Neglect is major predictor of disability, yet, conventional assessments lack sensitivity and there are no recommended effective treatments for the disorder. Virtual Reality (VR) provides an interactive platform with strong potential to enhance detection sensitivity and increase rehabilitation adherence. Together with an industry collaborator (Evolv Rehabilitation Technologies), we are developing and testing new tools for the diagnosis and treatment of neglect using portable low-cost motion-tracking VR technology.
Immersive Rehab

Isabel Van De Keere,

Immersive Rehab

Dr Isabel Van De Keere is the Founder & CEO of Immersive Rehab, a digital health startup that focuses on the creation and development of physical & neuro-rehabilitation programmes in Virtual Reality that improve patient recovery. The goal is to increase the effectiveness of physical & neuro-rehabilitation, to reduce referral times, to make rehab fun and engaging, and to have a better patient outcome. Following a long physical rehab period Isabel went through herself due to a work accident, she decided to start Immersive Rehab in September 2016.
DisplayLinkXR James Christofides and Rick Kendrick, DisplayLink XR The first truly wireless adaptor reference design for VR HMDs such as Vive and Rift. Current headset's support 1.5 megapixels per eye and a data rate of about 6Gbps. Combining massive video data capability with very low latency means DisplayLink's current chipset (supporting 4K resolution and 24Gbps video bandwidth) is ideally suited to VR head mounted displays.

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NIHR Brain Injury MedTech Co-operative

The NIHR Brain Injury MedTech Co-operative provides a “go-to” centre of expertise for understanding the Acquired or Traumatic Brain injury care pathway.

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This event's media partner is: Able Magazine

Able Magazine is the UK’s favourite disability lifestyle publication with 25 years experience writing about the things that matter to disabled people.

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Registration & refreshments


Session 1: Clinical & Patient Unmet Needs

Talks from:
 Professor Mark Wilson, Prevention & Pre Hospital Theme Lead, NIHR Brain Injury MIC
 Dr Jen Martin, Programme Manager, NIHR Mental Health MedTech Co-operative
 Dr Andrew Bateman, Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, NIHR Brain Injury MIC
 Dr Naomi Deakin, RESCUE-RACER Study Coordinator, Cambridge University Hospitals NHSFoundation Trust
 Dr Michael Grey, Neurorehabilitation Deputy Theme Lead, NIHR Brain Injury MIC


Refreshment break


Technology Showcase - Part 1

Introduction to CW (Cambridge Wireless), Abhi Naha, COO, CW

Chaired by Dr Peter Jarritt, Deputy Director, NIHR Brain Injury MedTech Co-operative (MIC)
 Dr Shreepali Patel
 Dr Brigitta Zics
 Dr David Fried
 Mr Szczepan Orlowski


Lunch and networking


Technology Showcase - Part 2

Chaired by Dr Peter Jarritt, Deputy Director, NIHR Brain Injury MedTech Co-operative (MIC)
 Dr Alex Kiderman
 Dr Jen Martin
 Dr Stephanie Rossitt
 Dr Isabel Van De Keere


Refreshment break


Session 3: Horizon Scanning

Panel discussion with:
 Dr Ian Newington, National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) i4i
 Mr Mark Otto-Smith, Economic Growth & Innovation Programme, Eastern Academic Health Science Network
 Dr Shreepali Patel, Story Lab Director, Anglia Ruskin University


Refreshments and networking


Event close


Andrew Bateman - Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, NIHR Brain Injury MedTech Co-operative

Dr Andrew Bateman is Head of Neurorehabilitation services in Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust.  He has since 2002 been Clinical Manager at Oliver Zangwill Centre for Neuropsychological Rehabilitation where he is based. He is affiliated lecturer in the Department of Psychiatry in Cambridge.

He is President of the Society for Research in Rehabilitation, a scholarly society that aims to promote excellence in rehabilitation research. He is Chair of the United Kingdom Acquired Brain Injury Forum (UKABIF), a national charity that aims to provide a route for lobbying, continuing professional development and networking for people working in the brain injury sector.

He has published research on a wide range of aspects of brain injury rehabilitation including exercise, cognitive neuropsychology, psychometrics, rehabilitation service development, social media.

Naomi Deakin - University of Cambridge

Dr Deakin is a PhD student in Clinical Neurosciences, co-supervised by Prof Peter Hutchinson (Neurosurgery) and Prof John Suckling (Psychiatry). Dr Deakin completed her medical training in Cambridge, followed by the Academic Foundation Programme in Edinburgh. She has worked as a Junior Neurotrauma Fellow in Neurosurgery at Addenbrooke’s Hospital. Dr Deakin is a Registered Doctor with the UK Motor Sports Association and has conducted motorsport research at Silverstone Race Circuit since 2012. Dr Deakin is Concussion Fellow for TOCA, a UK motorsports events package, and is the 2018 Sid Watkins Scholar - a funded research position with the Global Institute for Motorsport Safety. Her current research explores mild TBI in the context of sports concussion, with an emphasis on motorsport. She is particularly interested in the application of objective diagnostic tools to concussion, as well as the important return to race (or play) decisions.

Michael Grey - Neurorehabilitation Deputy Theme Lead, NIHR Brain Injury MedTech Co-operative

Michael Grey is a neuroscientist specialising in neuroplasticity and neurorehabilitation following acquired brain injury. He is investigating novel uses of virtual reality technology for neurorehabilitation and uses non-invasive electrophysiology, brain stimulation and neuroimaging techniques to study neuroplasticity.

Dr Grey works with the Acquired Brain Injury Rehabilitation Alliance and the NIHR Brain Injury MedTech Co-operative. At the University of East Anglia, Dr Grey leads research investigating the use of virtual reality for assessment of sport concussion and acquired brain injury rehabilitation

Jennifer Martin - Senior Programme Manager, NIHR Mental Health MedTech Co-operative

Dr Jen Martin has worked in the healthcare technology field for more than 15 years and is currently Senior Programme Manager of the NIHR MindTech MedTech Co-operative and NIHR Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre. Prior to this, Jen was Senior Research Fellow in Human Factors at the University of Nottingham where her research focused on user-centred design methods for healthcare. Jen’s current work is focussed on the evaluation and adoption of mental health technologies such as Virtual Reality, games and digital interventions. She is a member of NHS England’s Expert Reference Group for Digital Innovation and Adoption and is also an advisor to NICE as part of their work on accreditation of mobile health apps.

Jen is a co-investigator on the gameChange project which is using Virtual Reality to transform the lives of people with psychosis. gameChange and is a 3 year project which also involves The University of Oxford, The Royal College of Arts, the McPin Foundation and OxfordVR and was the winner of the NIHR Grand Challenge on Mental Health Competition.

Mark Wilson - Prevention & Pre Hospital Theme Lead, NIHR Brain Injury MedTech Co-operative

Professor Mark Wilson is Consultant Neurosurgeon and Pre-Hospital Care Specialist (Imperial College, KSS Air Ambulance), Professor of Practice Brain Injury (Imperial College) and Honorary Professor of Pre-Hospital Care (Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care, Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh). Mark established the Neurotrauma service at St Mary’s, Imperial’s Major Trauma Centre in 2010. His specialist areas are acute brain injury (mostly traumatic brain injury) and its very early management. He is co-director of the Imperial Neurotrauma Centre. He is the founder of GoodSAM (, a revolutionary platform that alerts doctors, nurses, paramedic and those trained in basic life support to emergencies around them and is now enabling video triage to optimise resource deployment to patients. He has worked extensively overseas (India, Nepal, South Africa, as a GP in Australia, Researcher for NASA and as an expedition doctor on Arctic and Everest expeditions). His research focus is the hyper-acute management of brain injury and the physiological effects of hypoxia on the brain.

SIG Champions

Peter Ferguson - Director of Connected Health, Capgemini UK plc

Michael Morgan-Curran - CEO, Asclepius MedTech Ltd

Michael has a successful track-record in ethical pharmaceuticals, medical technologies and digital therapeutics. Working with some of the world’s best-known pharmaceutical, life science, medical device, telecoms and research organisations across EMEA, US and Latam, he has built and led teams accountable for market intelligence, strategy, marketing and commercialisation, product design, regulation and market authorisation, pharmacovigilance, clinical trial development, clinical effectiveness and health economics.

As CEO of start-up Asclepius MedTech Ltd; he and his team are building a platform for use in pre- and post-operative surgical assessment to support clinicians and surgical teams ameliorate shared decision-making and stratify patient care.

Daniel Nickalls - Consultant, TTP plc

Daniel is a TTP project leader focussed on decentralized healthcare solutions including the detection and treatment of chronic conditions at home. These projects cover the entire development lifecycle, from early-stage ideation and opportunity validation, through proof-of-concept development, to regulated device development for large-scale manufacture. Daniel particularly enjoys combining engineering insights, rigorous human-centred design and thorough business case validation to realise effective solutions.

Laurence Weir -

Since graduating in Engineering from Cambridge University in 2006, Laurence has worked for Broadcom, Cambridge Mechatronics, Illumina and PA Consulting, Plextek Services Ltd and now Iprova. Due to the range of sectors Laurence has worked in, from smartphone technology to DNA sequencing, he has an appreciation for the different skills and expertise required to deliver multi-disciplinary engineering projects, and the associated regulatory systems. His experience in business development is coupled with technology leadership on projects and practical engineering delivery. His current work is focussing on delivering novel inventions to clients looking to leverage patentable projects.

Mick Withers - SVP Commercial Business Development, Plextek

Involved in Technology consulting around Cambridge for the last 34 years, Previous roles include Managing Director at Sagentia, as well as a couple of stints at TTP, and 5 years helping TeraView transition from a startup to a product company. Now I am charged with helping Plextek diversify its service offering into the Commercial (i.e. non-defence) space.

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Madingley Hall, Institute of Continuing Education, Madingley Hall, Madingley, Cambridge CB23 8AQ

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