How to connect an autonomous vehicle

Brought to you by The Automotive & Transport Group

At this event you can explore the connectivity standards suitable for CAV with wireless and automotive experts. By the end of the day you will have an idea of which solution you think will end up being adopted by the industry – and how it could be rolled out.

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About the event

'Connected and Autonomous Vehicles' is the hottest topic in the automotive industry. Use cases range from fully driverless cars, to using information from neighbouring vehicles and infrastructure  to enhance Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS).  But the question that the industry is puzzling over is: what communication technologies should be used to provide connectivity between nearby vehicles and infrastructure?

The European Commission, US, Chinese and Korean governments have led the investment in research projects to develop an optimised communication technology: the ETSI G5 (WAVE or DSRC in the USA) standard. This has been developed but not yet deployed commercially, and it risks being overtaken by the faster evolution of cellular technology using LTE and 5G.  The CW Automotive & Transport Group proposes to address this question by considering:

  • What are the key use cases that will justify the investment in the connected vehicle technology?
  • What are the requirements placed on the communications systems: latency tolerance, geographical coverage, data volumes etc?
  • What standards are available (or coming soon!) to satisfy these requirements, singly or perhaps in combination?
  • In terms of business models, what are the practical considerations (costs, planning, accessibility etc) for the introduction of this technology such that pay-back can be delivered in a realistic timescale?
  • Is it possible to define the most appropriate way forward for all to adopt the same approach, or will the winner be determined via competition?

This event is kindly hosted by HORIBA MIRA, at their Technology Park, Nuneaton. They are also providing delegates with two demo's as part of the event expereince;

NGV demo:
The Network Guided Vehicle (NGV) is a highly automated vehicle designed to support research and demonstration of CAV technologies. It is part of a Vehicle-in-the-Loop (ViL) simulation platform through which it can interact with simulated environment including other connected vehicles. In the demonstration we show the vehicle navigating the City Circuit test facility in an automated manner and interacting with other simulated vehicles. We demonstrate cooperative merging and platooning behaviour including emergency stop of the cooperative platoon.

Cooperative Robots demo:
We demonstrate the Vehicle-in-the-Loop (ViL) CAV simulation platform using a collection of small robots interacting in real time with a fleet of simulated vehicles. Demonstrated scenarios include cooperative platooning, merging, unmerging and intersection priority control for CAV. The demonstration includes an overview of how will this platform be used by HORIBA MIRA to provide a range of CAV development, testing and validation services to our customers.

Starting at 10:30pm, this FREE event will provide delegates with ample opportunities to network with fellow delegates and speakers to explore the themes of this event.

You can follow @cambwireless on Twitter.


HORIBA MIRA is a global provider of pioneering engineering, research and test services to the automotive, defence, aerospace and rail sectors. We work in close collaboration with vehicle manufacturers and suppliers around the world, providing comprehensive support ranging from individual product tests to turnkey multi-vehicle design, development and build programmes. With over 70 years’ experience in developing some of the world’s most iconic vehicles, our engineers utilise the latest test facilities and simulation tools to make vehicles and journeys safer, cleaner and smarter. Our suite of 40 major test facilities, 100km of specialised proving ground and wealth of engineering experience, combined with our expanding international presence, means we are confident that we can achieve our vision – that every journey in the world will be positively influenced by us.

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Supported by UK5G

The national innovation network dedicated to the promotion of research, collaboration and the commercial application of 5G in the UK.

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Registration and networking with refreshments

HORRIBA MIRA is a secure site and you will need to report to a specific visitor gate to gain access. Please allow additional time for this process to take place.


Introduction to CW (Cambridge Wireless)


Welcome from our host, HORIBA MIRA, from Nigel Skellern, Head of Government and NGO Relations


Nigel Wall, Climate Associates

'Why do we need vehicles to be connected?’

Within a few years autonomous vehicles will drive round without human intervention, using their built in sensors and AI / machine learning to control the vehicle movement. How might communications between vehicles lead to an improvement in their autonomous operation? How will communications be used to support drivers before we have full autonomy in the vehicles? Consideration of the use cases will lead to clarification of the requirements for vehicle to vehicle communications. Considerations of universal coverage, latency, data volumes and safety criticality will be a major input to the choice of the most suitable communications systems. Commercial and political factors also need to be taken into consideration. Nigel will introduce some of the main use-cases. He will also identify some of the most important communication technology options and indicate where there is clarity on the most suitable v2x technology choice and where there is still not an agreement on the best system to use.


George Psarras, CAV Engineer, HORIBA MIRA

‘The C in CAV: Test facilities for connectivity applications’

In his talk, George will present the 2 new HORIBA MIRA CAV test facilities (TIC-IT and Park-IT), and talk about the technologies relevant to Connectivity and conclude with the design principles for connectivity in test facilities.


Paul Spence, Chief Technologist, McLaren Applied Technologies

'How can we make autonomous vehicles welcome guests on our roads?'

Just because the technology of AV is incredible, and it is, does not mean the public will welcome AVs on our roads. The public may expect AVs to be better than humans in all respects, which is a very tough ask, so there needs to be cooperation between OEMs and regulators to manage the evolution of the technology and the public’s acceptance of it. This will only be possible though transparency and the measurement of safety performance for which connectivity will be an ingredient.


Networking Lunch with demos

NGV demo:
The Network Guided Vehicle (NGV) is a highly automated vehicle designed to support research and demonstration of CAV technologies. It is part of a Vehicle-in-the-Loop (ViL) simulation platform through which it can interact with simulated environment including other connected vehicles. In the demonstration we show the vehicle navigating the City Circuit test facility in an automated manner and interacting with other simulated vehicles. We demonstrate cooperative merging and platooning behaviour including emergency stop of the cooperative platoon.

Cooperative Robots demo:
We demonstrate the Vehicle-in-the-Loop (ViL) CAV simulation platform using a collection of small robots interacting in real time with a fleet of simulated vehicles. Demonstrated scenarios include cooperative platooning, merging, unmerging and intersection priority control for CAV. The demonstration includes an overview of how will this platform be used by HORIBA MIRA to provide a range of CAV development, testing and validation services to our customers.


A word from our event supporter, UK5G. Robert Driver, Head of UK5G


Tom Robinson, Associate Director, Conigital

‘Project Ute – Automating a vehicle for operation on Australia roads’

Conigital will discuss how and why we are automating a Ford Wildtrak that will be used to trial a passenger service in Dubbo Australia. An important aspect of any vehicle automation solution is the data logging aspect and we will endeavour to explain the categorisation, expected quantification and potential use of the data generated.


Mark Barrett, Blu Wireless

‘5G Millimetre wave wireless for V2X Transport Applications’

This presentation will provide an update on work at Blu Wireless on the application 5G millimetre wave wireless for V2X wireless connectivity for road and rail transportation. A short overview of emerging V2X millimetre wave use cases, particularly from Japan, will be followed a presentation of results from ongoing projects at Blu Wireless. Firstly, the ‘Autoair’ project, one of six DCMS funded 5G Test Bed projects, aimed at 5G connected vehicle mobility applications will be described. Here a network of millimetre wave nodes has been deployed around the two mile circumference high speed bowl at the Millbrook proving ground to support high speed gigabit level track to V2X applications. Finally, the presentation will conclude with a description of how millimetre wave communications is being applied to deliver gigabit grade connectivity to trains in order to improve passenger internet-based services.


Alex Verploegh, Dynniq

'Connecting Road Users to Infrastructure: Improving Road safety and efficiency with in-vehicle services'

With the onset of more connected and autonomous vehicles on our roads, providing additional information to road users as well as autonomous driving systems becomes key in achieving and improving better road safety. In this talk, Alex will talk about how connected vehicle projects demonstrate how different communication technologies help provide in-vehicle services to road users that can help inform drivers and vehicles of what to expect for their journey ahead more proactively.


Panel Session with all speakers, Chaired by John Okas, Real Wireless and SIG Champion


Closing remarks and event closes


Mark Barrett - Chief Commercial Officer, Blu Wireless Technology

Mark is a Founder and CMO for Blu Wireless, a leading supplier of millimetre wave wireless technology and products for infrastructure applications.   He has over 35 years of experience in the wireless industry in applications including radar, satellite, cellular and consumer electronics.   This ranges from FMCW radar at W and X bands, digital beamforming for satellite and mobile communications, SoC for automotive and telecommunications and high-volume Bluetooth and cordless telephones.   In 2009 he co-founded Blu Wireless Technology and has played a key role in building the company into a recognised leader in millimetre wave wireless technology.

George Psarras - CAV Engineer, HORIBA MIRA

Project Engineer in Connected and Automated Vehicle Technologies at HORIBA MIRA. During his time in MIRA, George has been involved in proving ground design with focus in CAV, test case development for scenario based CAV V&V, and V2x (ITS-G5) hardware parametrization and application development. He has participated in advanced collaboration R&D programs including UK Autodrive and Human Drive and is currently involved in the communication systems update of the City Circuit, a unique purpose-built ITS test facility hosted at MIRA.

Tom Robinson - CPO, EVIE Autonomous

Tom has worked in the software and advanced technology industry for over 35 years with 25+ years in automotive. During this time Tom has provided leadership in several world class automotive consultancies including Pi Technology, Ricardo, Applus IDIADA and Conigital. For 6 years Tom supported InnovITS (UK Centre of Excellence for Tranport Telematics and Sustainable Mobility) as a non-executive director, helping promote the establishment of UK ITS capability. He has championed and directed several world class innovation programmes in the ITS field including TfNSW’s Ute, EU’s SARTRE, InnovITS FaCITS, TSB’s ERTOC and Innovate UK’s MuCCA, CONNECTOR and MACAM projects.  Tom is currently working at EVIE Autonomous, a technology company developing and offering level four off-highway self-driving technology systems that can be installed into any vehicle.  In 2022 EVIE acquired the assets and IP of Westfield Autonomous Vehicles, adding the world’s most successful autonomous PRT platform (as run at Heathrow airport) to EVIES matchless CAVONIX autonomous vehicle stack. As CPO at EVIE, Tom is helping drive the future towards CAV.

Paul Spence - Chief Technologist, McLaren Applied Technologies

Paul is Chief Technologist for McLaren Applied Technologies (MAT), responsible for the technical delivery of high-performance data systems across a broad range of markets. These data systems encompass data collection on mobile vehicles, transmission by various telemetry solutions, radio technologies and analysis systems for either human or machine learning. In MAT’s automotive activities Paul leads on the problem of how to validate autonomous vehicles, engaging with many of the OEMs, techs and regulators as well as being part of the UNs Validation Methods for Automated Driving group. New approaches are required for such a large step in technology most importantly because they are safety critical. In rail and road as in Motorsport MAT is always looking at novel solutions to provide passenger connectivity that is reliable and robust at high vehicle speeds. The reliability and performance needs of 5G is a great opportunity to apply some of motorsport’s fusion between simulation and performance measurement.

Nigel Wall - Director, Climate Associates Ltd

Nigel has been involved with connected vehicle research since 1992 when he led BT’s mobile data research team – initially using modems on first generation analogue TACS mobile phones! Since 2001 he has provided consultancy complex-systems, with a primary specialism in connected vehicles. He acted as the Monitoring Officer for twelve of the Connected and Autonomous Vehicle research projects supported by Innovate UK and the Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles. Climate Associates provides consultancy on delivering pragmatic sustainable systems and services, based on life cycle assessments where wholesale replacement of current systems with lower footprint solutions may not be the most sustainable option.

SIG Champions

Andre Burgess - Strategic Partnerships, Security and Resilience, National Physical Laboratory

NPL’s nominated SIG Champion, Andre Burgess runs Strategic partnerships for the Digital Sector at NPL where he is also leading on its activities in CAV R&D as well as the development of new testing infrastructure for future integrated communications networks. Andre has a long experience in product and service innovation in the TMT sector, including NTL (now Virgin Media) and Three. He subsequently established a successful business designing and deploying disruptive digital end user products and services. More recently he turned his focus on the energy and environment sector, working with distributed generators, housing providers and local authorities, to develop innovative data centric services to optimise localised energy generation and affordable smart home services. With a mission to ensure data can be trusted and shared openly in the future, he joined NPL in 2017.

John Okas - CCO, Real Wireless

John has worked in wireless and telecommunications throughout his career. Initially with Motorola and Racal in engineering and product marketing roles. He was a founding director of NTL (now Arqiva), initially as Business Development Director building and managing the complete commercial organisation. He also managed the R&D Group which developed one of the first commercially available MPEG video compression systems. Then as Managing Director - Telecommunications he was responsible for growing NTL's wireless business using NTL’s extensive tower portfolio and nationwide field operations capability and entering the fixed telecommunications and satellite services markets. Moving to Pell Frischmann, the consulting engineers, he started a telecommunications business and was involved in several large transportation projects including the Highways Agency's NRTS Project which updated the communication systems on the strategic Road Network and he first got involved in smart metering. Currently as CCO for Real Wireless he undertakes business strategy and development activities, as well as delivering various projects. Recent projects include assessing the implications of the sunset of 2G and 3G networks in the UK and analysing various aspects of smart metering in the UK. He takes a strong interest in the evolving NTN and M2M markets and the evolution of energy communication networks.

Tom Robinson - CPO, EVIE Autonomous

Tom has worked in the software and advanced technology industry for over 35 years with 25+ years in automotive. During this time Tom has provided leadership in several world class automotive consultancies including Pi Technology, Ricardo, Applus IDIADA and Conigital. For 6 years Tom supported InnovITS (UK Centre of Excellence for Tranport Telematics and Sustainable Mobility) as a non-executive director, helping promote the establishment of UK ITS capability. He has championed and directed several world class innovation programmes in the ITS field including TfNSW’s Ute, EU’s SARTRE, InnovITS FaCITS, TSB’s ERTOC and Innovate UK’s MuCCA, CONNECTOR and MACAM projects.  Tom is currently working at EVIE Autonomous, a technology company developing and offering level four off-highway self-driving technology systems that can be installed into any vehicle.  In 2022 EVIE acquired the assets and IP of Westfield Autonomous Vehicles, adding the world’s most successful autonomous PRT platform (as run at Heathrow airport) to EVIES matchless CAVONIX autonomous vehicle stack. As CPO at EVIE, Tom is helping drive the future towards CAV.

Nigel Wall - Director, Climate Associates Ltd

Nigel has been involved with connected vehicle research since 1992 when he led BT’s mobile data research team – initially using modems on first generation analogue TACS mobile phones! Since 2001 he has provided consultancy complex-systems, with a primary specialism in connected vehicles. He acted as the Monitoring Officer for twelve of the Connected and Autonomous Vehicle research projects supported by Innovate UK and the Centre for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles. Climate Associates provides consultancy on delivering pragmatic sustainable systems and services, based on life cycle assessments where wholesale replacement of current systems with lower footprint solutions may not be the most sustainable option.

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HORIBA MIRA, Control Centre conference suites, MIRA Technology Park, Watling Street, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV10 0TU

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