If it ain’t broke help fix it anyway!

Brought to you by The User Experience Group

We are all creatures of habit and reluctant to even consider changing things when they work. Why should you? 

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About the event

We are all creatures of habit and reluctant to even consider changing things when they work. Why should you? The short answer: because you might be missing out on something that is better without you knowing it. Donald Rumsfeld illustrated this in his famous quote about the unknown unknowns in the context of a military threat, but unknowns are not just threats - sometimes they may be opportunities.

However, in many cases, it takes a big threat such as Covid to force people to seek out the unknown. In doing so many of us will have had the big ‘aha’ moment when you realise that this new way of doing things, be it large or small, actually also would have been better before the big disruptor. Now that you know you don’t want or can’t go back to the old ways of doing things.

This online UX event is all about sharing what ‘best bits of the new’ you have discovered and share these with the SIG audience for discussion, further improvement and mutual benefit. Any insights you have gained through being forced to change how you live your life are welcome, but might include topics such as new ways of working, re-evaluating priorities, rethinking work-life balance to the benefit of both, new tools, new ways of using old tools, etc. Participants to this event are encouraged to share their ‘best bits of the new’ with 1 slide and a 5-minute narrative followed by a brief discussion.

If you are interested in participating in this event then please consider submitting a short description of your ‘best of the new’ that you would like to share beforehand. Submissions are to be emailed to events@cambridgewireless.co.uk

You can follow @CambWireless on Twitter and tweet about this event using #CWUX.


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The information supplied below may be subject to change before the event.


Welcome from Simon Mead, CEO, CW (Cambridge Wireless)


Introduction to User Experience group from Marine Barbaroux, User Experience SIG Champion


Re-imagining Core Elements; Natalie Gould, CFO, Balsamiq

Like creating a wireframe, we have an opportunity to rediscover the basics of how we structure our lives, work practices, and time in general. We can learn to focus on the problems we are trying to solve, let go of old patterns or ways of doing things, and develop flexibility to find new simple solutions. Natalie will share a few changes Balsamiq is trying out in the next year to meet essential needs of maintaining a sustainable remote work environment.


'Online demo lab for virtual customer visits': Maya Wright, Sales Application Specialist, Fluidic Analytics

Customer site visits to demonstrate Fluidic Analytics’ cutting edge technology for measuring protein interactions was the norm prior to the lockdown. In light of the local and global travel restrictions arising from the pandemic, Fluidic Analytics designed a bespoke online demo lab to be used to interact with customers virtually as an alternative to in-person demos.


'Gaming for Good': Kirsten Naude, Director of New Ventures, The Children’s Society

The Children’s Society’s gaming for good campaigns have allowed the charity to explore a new way of fundraising - with new tools, techniques and influencers. It also enabled the organisation to connect with new communities of people and engage with new audiences which we would not have previously been able to connect with. A bonus is that this work is educating our internal folks about how powerful gaming is as a form of influence and education!


‘Business Chatter - letting off steam through COVID-19 times’: Lele Gestoso Saa, Creative Director, Dovetailed

For some, COVID-19 has thrown up many trials and tribulations both personally and professionally. Some businesses have thrived whilst offers have stalled or closed. During these uncertain times and as a way to give back to the local business community, Dovetailed have launched a new service - Business Chatter which is free, 100% confidential and no strings attached. Business Chatter sessions are an approachable and friendly space to talk about any new ideas, issues, problems and future scenarios facing start-ups or small businesses. It is an opportunity to have a friendly natter with a group of experts in design, technology, human behaviour, strategy and communications.


Giving instructions, visually; Sue Keogh, Founder, Sookio

Sue Keogh demonstrates how you can storyboard and explain instructions when you can't be there in person.


Panel session and audience Q & A chaired by Marine Barbaroux, User Experience SIG Champion


Wrap-up by Marine Barbaroux, User Experience SIG Champion




Event close


Lele Gestoso Saa - Dovetailed

Lele Gestoso Saa is a Multidisciplinary Artist and Visual Designer based in Cambridge, who recently had her work shortlisted for the World Illustration Awards 2020. Born in Vigo, North West Spain, Lele has lived and worked in Madrid, Shanghai, L.A. and London before moving to Cambridge four years ago. With a BA in Advertising and Public Relations from Antonio Nebrija University and an MA in Children’s Book Illustration from Cambridge School of Art, Lele began her career as an Art Director and has produced award-winning work for global companies such as Apple and Sony. Today, Lele enjoys balancing her Creative Director role at Dovetailed, a UX design studio, with her art practice.

Natalie Gould - CFO, Balsamiq

Natalie Gould joined Balsamiq, a remote software company and makers of Balsamiq Wireframes, in 2010 and has been involved in many areas of work as the company has grown. She currently is the CFO and leads the Admin Team and company-wide Kaizen projects (team building, process improvement, policy setting, and discussions). She is honored to serve in a role she hopes contributes to building not only a financially healthy company, but also one with a safe, welcoming, and positive work environment.

Sue Keogh - Campaigns Manager, Sookio

Sue started her career in BBC radio production, at a time when the shift from analogue to digital was taking shape. After time spent as Project Manager for ITV.com and a homepage editor for Yahoo and Aol, she founded creative agency Sookio in 2008. From their creative hub on Mill Road, they offer content creation such as copywriting, video, social media, and podcasting, coupled with strategy and training to clients predominantly in education, life sciences, tech, and healthcare.

Kirsten Naudé - Director of New Ventures, The Children's Society

Kirsten is the Children’s Society’s Director of New Ventures. She runs a cross-organisational function which is responsible for catalysing income growth, and for achieving and accelerating impact for young people. This work focuses on market shaping, funding innovation, social investment, strategic partnerships and new cross-sector collaborations. Kirsten has a great deal of experience designing, developing and delivering services for children and families.  Part of her week is spent consulting to other organisations on innovation, social impact and investment, organisational design and business development. She is passionate about seeing the lives of those who are vulnerable or disadvantaged, changed for the better. Outside of work, Kirsten’s interests entail being an adrenaline junkie, an avid gamer and a budding futurist!

Maya Wright - Sales Application Specialist, Fluidic Analytics

Maya is a Sales Application Specialist at Fluidic Analytics, a company working to transform how the world understands proteins and their interactions. After completing a PhD in Chemistry at the University of Cambridge, Maya joined Fluidic Analytics as an R&D Scientist and later transitioned into the commercial team. She currently works with scientists around the world to apply the cutting edge Microfluidic Diffusional Sizing technology developed in Fluidic Analytics to protein science and disease research.

SIG Champions

Marine Barbaroux - Head of Design, Geckoboard

Marine is a product and UX designer in Cambridge and has been in and around the design field for more than 20 years. With an education in product design and graphic art, she joined the world of software for a good number of years. Currently, she works at Geckoboard. She's designed a number of products and managed UX teams both in France and in the UK, mentored at Springboard (now TechStar London), and recruited a fair number of whatever-the-flavour-of-the-month-is-UX-o-tronologists you can think of... For her, design is about problem-solving more than anything. The role of a designer is to come up with novel concepts where required, but also make sure those are realistic and achievable. Cooperation is key. In her spare time, she works with acrylics, Photoshop and Illustrator to keep the creative juices flowing!

Allan MacLean - Director, Amdeo

Amdeo specialises in the development and exploitation of high tech innovations. Amdeo principal, Allan MacLean, has worked in research and management roles at the leading edge of Information and Communication Technologies for over 25 years. He was a founder member of Xerox's European Research Centre in the 80's and was a major contributor to building it into one of the world's leading centres of expertise in the user centred design of innovative technologies. In 2002, he co-founded Image Semantics, which he helped lead to become a global provider of innovative mobile applications and services. Allan has frequently advised on funding programmes in the UK, Europe and North America to help improve the fit between technologies and human needs and improve the exploitation of government funded research.

Leo Poll - Director, Keen Design

Technically everything is possible, making it work for people is where the real challenges are. Addressing these challenges from an end-user perspective in a way that makes business sense is what drives Leo. With more than 20 years of experience in Innovation driven Experience Research and Design he is able to bring an ability of strong lateral thinking combined with broad domain knowledge of applications/markets and technical enablers. Previous to his role at Akendi, Leo worked for the mobile phone division of Philips in Le Mans, France, managed numerous international projects whilst employed by Philips Electronics UK, was a member of the global 'Connectivity Programme' board of Philips Research, (Co-)founded Ryppel Ltd, Eversfield Innovation Ltd, Galileo Software Adviesbureau v.o.f.

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