Positions of Trust

Brought to you by The Location Group

At this event you can get to grips with the technology that can deliver high-performing, secure and trustworthy positioning and navigation systems, with a particular focus on autonomous driving and ranging applications.

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About the event

Autonomous driving presents many technological challenges, but maybe the most difficult and contentious are those of security and trust. Positioning plays a major role here, both relative and absolute, and of course tracking and navigation. Traditional positioning systems like GNSS need to work alongside sensor-fused systems, vision, ultrasonic, LIDAR or RADAR, and all feed into verifiably reliable and trustworthy vehicle control systems. Machine learning is likely to be an important part of the solution. There are many avenues for a potential attack on such a system.

Security and trust have increasingly become concerns for users of ranging technology too. Secure payments, Passive Keyless Entry Systems and vehicle control demand considerably more security than interactive gaming and augmented reality. Other uses for secure ranging and control, for example factory processes and automated farming, have their own specific considerations. Accurate localisation has become essential in defending against remote attacks.

In this Location SIG event, we will look at these two related topics and our speakers will explore the technological and social challenges involved in making positioning and navigation high-performing, trustworthy and secure enough to support these exciting new opportunities.

Starting at 2pm, the event will provide delegates with ample opportunities to network with fellow delegates and speakers to explore the themes of this event.

Following this event all delegates are invited to join the CW Founders' Dinner drinks reception, which is being held in the same location. The Founders' Dinner is an invitation-only event and offers business networking opportunities for Founder member organisations within the CW network.

Employees of CW member organisations can attend this event for free. You will need to be logged into your CW account to access your free ticket – log in (or reset your password here)

Tickets for non-members are £150 plus VAT. CW membership may be more cost effective for your organisation than fully priced tickets – find out more about CW membership benefits.

LIMITED FREE PLACES AVAILABLE for non-members who are under 35. For further information and to claim a free place please contact clare.kettle@cambridgewireless.co.uk

You can follow @CambWireless on Twitter and tweet about this event using #CWLocation.


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Registration and networking with refreshments


Introduction to CW from David Bartlett, u-blox UK and SIG Champion


Introduction to the event by Location Group SIG Champion Ben Tarlow, Qualcomm Technologies International


Ramsey Faragher, CEO, Focal Point Positioning Ltd.

'Can we trust software we struggle to understand?'

Ramsey's talk will cover how the steady pace of ever-smarter software is being used to overcome some major challenges in positioning and autonomy. With the boom in Deep Neural Networks however comes a significant challenge in being able to understand - and therefore trust - how these systems achieve the results they do. This talk will highlight some of the benefits and challenges that come with increasing the complexity of software and looks at how to use fundamentally opaque "black box" systems within high-integrity, trustable systems.


Mamon Alghananim, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College, London

'Integrity monitoring for high accuracy positioning'

A case study: Carrier phase-based integrity monitoring for GNSS location-based applications. In his talk Mamon will provide an overview of integrity monitoring high accuracy positioning.


Dr Markus Kuhn, Department of Computer Science and Technology, University of Cambridge

'Distance-bounding protocols'

Attacks against card payment systems, door access-control readers and car thefts that involved relaying wireless signals helped to illustrate that, in some applications, authentication protocols not only need to confirm the identity of a communication partner, but also their proximity. Dedicated distance-bounding protocols perform authentication at the speed of light, to provide an upper bound on the distance to the other side. They pose tight latency requirements on communications channels and often require dedicated physical-layer support.


Refreshment break


Eduardo Aldaz Carroll, CTO, Sees.ai

'A new way to fly drones’

In this talk Eduardo will present the technology Sees.ai are developing that enables remote operation of drones from a central control room, facilitating the delivery of drone services at enterprise scale. sees.ai’s solution combines highly-automated drones on the client site with human pilots working beyond-visual-line-of-sight (BVLOS) in a central control room. The result is more consistent, more immediate and more efficient - and hence radically more scaleable - than current state-of-the-art (VLOS). This ‘augmented human’ approach is also the fastest route to full autonomy.


Chris Farrow, Technical Services Manager, Chronos

'Getting the Right Time Right’

This talk will consider global reliance on a coded radio signal that was state-of-the-art when it was specified in the 1970s as it becomes trivially spoofable today with battery powered COTS hardware & software. Spoofing GPS to fool location & timing receivers is nothing new, but how can we engineer the very technology that enables the spoofers to build defences that protect critical infrastructure?


Closing remarks provided by Location Group SIG Champion Bob Cockshott of The KTN


Delegates are then invited to the networking drinks reception of the CW Founder Dinner.


Eduardo Aldaz Carroll - CTO, Sees.ai

Previously, Manager Touch & Sensing Innovation Team at Apple Cupertino; 2x Winner of the America’s Cup with Oracle Racing (personally designed the mechatronic daggerboard control system that contributed to Oracle winning the Cup in 2013); Electronic & Controls Engineer at CERN (European Laboratory for Particle Physics). Eduardo has 15+ years experience in electronic system design and implementation, with in-depth knowledge of robotics, embedded systems,

Mamon Alghananim - Research Postgraduate, Imperial College London

Mamon has been a PhD student in the Centre for Transport Study Imperial College London since December 2017. His research is developing techniques and models for the monitoring of the integrity of satellite-based technology for high accuracy positioning and navigation.

Ramsey Faragher - Founder, President, and CTO, FocalPoint

Dr Ramsey Faragher is Founder, President and CTO of Focal Point Positioning, a Fellow of the Royal Institute of Navigation, and a Fellow of Queens' College, at the University of Cambridge. He is the inventor of the Supercorrelation digital signal processing technique, which has redefined the state of the art in GPS positioning. He is the author of dozens of patents, and has been the recipient of numerous awards within the positioning and navigation ecosystem. His company is pioneering improvements to smartphone and automotive navigation systems, and in the past during his time in the Defence sector he has developed technologies that have been to the bottom of the ocean and all the way to Mars. He also helped to improve the bluetooth tracking capabilities of various globally-deployed contact tracing technologies during the Covid pandemic. He regularly contributes to technology podcasts, writes for Forbes, and has provided science advice for two television production companies. Ramsey lives with his family in Cambridge and is currently navigating the challenging landscape of having three small and adventurous children.

Christian Farrow - Technical Services Manager, Chronos Technology

Chris has been ‘in sync’ since the mid-1990s when he was involved in significant upgrades with the UK’s major telecom operators as they rolled out SDH and their first dedicated Sync Networks.  At Chronos Chris is responsible for professional services focused on the sync product area including delivery of the Synchronisation MasterClass, Sync Audits, network planning consultancy and acts as a system architect for product development.  Chris has extensive practical knowledge of precise time & timing generation and distribution systems from atomic clocks to GNSS and networked distribution technologies. Chris is an active member of standards groups focused on sync & timing including the  ITU (SG15/Q13). Chris joined Chronos from Marconi’s UK Technical Assistance Centre where he was a sync product specialist and emergency support engineer for the entire product portfolio – from PSTN to optical & packet.

Markus Kuhn - Associate Professor, University of Cambridge

Markus Kuhn is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Cambridge Department of Computer Science and Technology. His research interests focus on computer security and distributed systems, in particular hardware and signal-processing aspects of computer security, including compromising emanations, side-channel attacks, distance-bounding protocols, and the security of RFID and navigation systems. He graduated from the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany) in 1996, got an MSc from Purdue University (Indiana) in 1997, and a PhD from the University of Cambridge (England) in 2002, all in Computer Science.

SIG Champions

David Bartlett - Head of Technology Positioning, u-blox UK

David Bartlett works in the positioning technology (R&D) group at u-blox with a focus on hybrid positioning: bringing together GNSS with terrestrial systems such as UWB and V2X, primarily in support of future autonomous vehicle, driverless car and robotics applications but also for IoT and indoor positioning. Prior to this he was CTO and co-founder of Omnisense delivering high precision indoor IoT tracking solutions. He also worked at Cambridge Positioning systems with a focus on cellular positioning and network aided GNSS techniques.

Bob Cockshott - Knowledge Transfer Manager, Positioning, Navigation, Timing and Quantum, KTN

After 25 years in the space industry working mainly on electro-optical payloads, Bob has spent the last 13 years in the government-funded Knowledge Transfer Network, supporting business in position, navigation and timing, and more recently also quantum technology. Bob has taken a special interest in GNSS vulnerability, and has organised international conferences on vulnerability and its mitigation. Bob is a member of the Cabinet Office PNT Technical Group and chairs the Royal Institute of Navigation’s Technical Committee. Bob is a member of the International Time and Sync Forum Steering Group and is also a Cambridge Wireless Location Based Services SIG Champion.

Ramsey Faragher - Founder, President, and CTO, FocalPoint

Dr Ramsey Faragher is Founder, President and CTO of Focal Point Positioning, a Fellow of the Royal Institute of Navigation, and a Fellow of Queens' College, at the University of Cambridge. He is the inventor of the Supercorrelation digital signal processing technique, which has redefined the state of the art in GPS positioning. He is the author of dozens of patents, and has been the recipient of numerous awards within the positioning and navigation ecosystem. His company is pioneering improvements to smartphone and automotive navigation systems, and in the past during his time in the Defence sector he has developed technologies that have been to the bottom of the ocean and all the way to Mars. He also helped to improve the bluetooth tracking capabilities of various globally-deployed contact tracing technologies during the Covid pandemic. He regularly contributes to technology podcasts, writes for Forbes, and has provided science advice for two television production companies. Ramsey lives with his family in Cambridge and is currently navigating the challenging landscape of having three small and adventurous children.

Ben Tarlow - Senior Staff Engineer, Qualcomm Technologies International

Ben has worked in positioning for 15 years, developing algorithms for satellite, cellular and other terrestrial RF technologies. At Qualcomm, Ben works in the Advanced Algorithms group, where current research areas in location are data fusion, use of sensor data for positioning and fitness applications; one day, he hopes to be given the remit to explore the area of olfactory positioning. Ben has a background in Pure Mathematics and a PhD in Combinatorics. He has over 20 different patents filed or granted, mostly on subjects relating to positioning.

Event Location

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Homerton College, Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 8PH

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