Data is Gold for Cities and Citizens

Brought to you by The Smart & Intelligent Cities Group

At this event delegates will get to grips with a city's data architecture, learn about the business case for smart cities, understand how data can help address city challenges and discuss how cities can harness AI & ML for good.

Registration for this event is now closed.

About the event

Cities face numerous challenges - increasing and ageing populations, congestion, poor air quality, strain on infrastructure (water and energy), and the need to become more sustainable. At the same time council budgets are reducing. At the heart of many solutions to address these challenges is data. With the advent of 5G and the exponential growth of connected devices, cities need to prepare now to handle the imminent deluge of data.

Currently most data is stored in siloes both with public and sector organisations. To develop the data market this data needs to be broken out of its siloes and made re-usable by all.

Cities are currently working with business and academia to determine how to store and share this data and more importantly the business cases, value chains and procurement models that will underpin the investment needed to develop a city's data architecture.

An example of where this has been successful is the London Datastore which has been used by numerous developers to build products such as Citymapper. However, outside London there have been a number of attempts to develop a market for data with little success.

One of the challenges of city data is how to engage citizens and give local residents a say in how their data is used; this is particularly pertinent following a number of high-profile cases where personal data has been misused and now has a higher profile due to the introduction of GDPR regulation.

This event will focus on four themes:

  • Fixing the plumbing – developing a data architecture for cities
  • The business case/value chain – use cases explained
  • From to data to application solution – how can data help address the challenges?
  • Where next? AI and Machine Learning - how to harness for good

Who will benefit from attending?

 This event will inform both:

  • City Strategy Managers and CIO leads responsible for maintaining and developing the city infrastructure and IT systems in a fast-changing environment where budgets are continually being squeezed
  • Supply-side companies who are making strategic decisions about how to develop their products and services to provide the best solutions across the city ecosystem, from sensors at the edge to telecoms connectivity, data storage, platforms, analytics, applications and user experiences

The meeting agenda will include keynotes from senior people in their sector grappling with these challenges across cities and panel discussions where delegates will have the opportunity to ask questions and debate the topic.  There will also be updates on current UK Cities news.

You can follow @CambWireless on Twitter and tweet about this event using #CWCities.

Hosted by The Bradfield Centre

The Bradfield Centre is the premier Tech Hub serving the Cambridge technology cluster and the wider East of England region.

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On behalf of UK5G

The national innovation network dedicated to the promotion of research, collaboration and the commercial application of 5G in the UK.

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The information supplied below may be subject to change before the event.


Registration and networking with refreshments


Introduction to CW and the Smart & Intelligent Cities SIG from John Davies, Senior Advisor, CW


‘The Urban Connected Communities project and the concept of ‘5G-ready’ Cities’: Tony Sceales, Sector Coordination Lead, 5G Programme, Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS)


Q & A


‘The Smart London Roadmap’: Stephen Lorimer, Smart London Strategy and Delivery Officer for the Mayor of London, Greater London Authority (GLA)

Stephen will discuss the work of the new Smart London Team, based in the GLA at City Hall. This will include the priorities of their Chief Digital Officer, the Smart London Roadmap, the Sharing Cities programme and the London Office of Technology & Innovation (LOTI).


Q & A


‘Data is infrastructure - it needs to be an independent layer’: David Alexander, CEO, Mydex

Data fuels the economy and society, it underpins all transactions, it helps us plan, organise, engage, improve, streamline and personalise services. Data has been locked up in silos, run by organisations, even with the advent of open data, personal data has remained locked up, seen as an asset with endless debates of its control. For the economy and society to grow and evolve, personal data needs to be part of the infrastructure, independent and under the control of the citizen to collect, store and distribute safely and securely, when this happens innovation becomes possible.


Q & A


Refreshments and networking


‘Smart places and pervasive data’: Paul Copping, Chief Innovation Officer, Digital Greenwich

• Horizontal strategy for developing smart places
• Hosting, artificial intelligence, distributed ledgers and standards
• Future citizen experience


Q & A


‘Visualising Planet Earth’: Félix Sanchez-Garcia, Lead Data Scientist, and David Brown, VP Smart City & Urban Innovation, GeoSpock

How can we take the next step in ‘smart data’ visualization and begin to look at the planet as a single, connected, holistic system? Is that even possible?


Q & A


Panel discussion

• David Alexander, Mydex
• Paul Copping, Digital Greenwich
• Stephen Lorimer, Greater London Authority (GLA)
• Tony Sceales, Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS)


Lunch and networking


‘Analytics, city data, planning and mobilising the community’: Lorcan Burke, Advisor to Dublin City Council Smart City programme and Chairperson, Thinksmarter Analytics


Q & A


‘Data: driving transport of the future’: Llewelyn Morgan, Head of Innovation, IHub, Oxford County Council and Co-founder of Smart Oxford

We are entering an era where data from multiple sources allows for a completely new approach to manage, model, plan our future transport systems. This is an overview of Oxfordshire's work to-date and thoughts on future potential.


Q & A


Panel discussion

• David Brown, GeoSpock
• Lorcan Burke, Dublin City Council Smart City and Thinksmarter Analytics
• Dan Clarke, Smart Cambridge
• Llewelyn Morgan, Oxford County Council and Smart Oxford
• Félix Sanchez-Garcia, GeoSpock


Wrap-up by Smart & Intelligent Cities SIG Champion


Event closes


David Alexander - CEO, Mydex

David is the Chief Executive of Mydex CIC, who run a digital trust platform forming part of the next generation of infrastructure for cities.  Mydex supports the safe and secure collection, storage and distribution of verified personal data to underpin a diverse range of transactions including identity assurance, age verification, proof of entitlement and status, travel, transport and planning.  Mydex equips citizens with a personal data store and privacy protecting set of identity credentials both under their control and free for life so that they can be be active participants in the digital economy independent of service providers across all sectors.  David is an advocate of person centred design a concept that places the individual at the centre, able to easily, safely and securely manage where, when and how their personal data and identity is used for what purposes.  Enabling a distributed ecosystem increases security, flexibility and removes the threats in inherent in traditional organisational centric approaches. Mydex is working with a number of cities and innovators delivering services into Cities of the future.

David Brown - Founding Director, Futurehand Ltd

David has spent the past 15 years helping start-up/scale-up companies in the UK build successful Customer Service, Customer Success, and Professional Services teams. He has done this mainly as a player/coach; initially working with customers himself and only building teams once he’s gained a clear understanding of what's needed to support the company's unique customer base.

In 2015, he used the knowledge gained from years of working in web analytics to found Adavow, an ad suppression platform that enables advertisers and ad networks to stop serving digital ads to consumers who have recently purchased a similar item, which increases digital budget efficiency by 10% or more.

David is a keen believer that the best way to become successful is to help others become successful and "What comes around, goes around."

Lorcan Burke - Think Smarter Analytics

Lorcan Burke, is an Advisor to Dublin City on Smart City strategy and implementation and Chairperson of Thinksmarter Analytics, a business focusing on decision making analytics using WiFi, mobile and IoT sensor data. Thinksmarter are currently deployed in large venues and cities such as FIRA in Barcelona, Dublin City and Cities, Retail, Stadium, Airports in all major geographies. Lorcan was Cisco’s Global CTO for Mobility covering all technologies including Smart Cities, IoT, WiFi. Previous to joining Cisco in 2011, Mr. Burke has started and fund raised for several companies and worked across the venture capital, security, mobile, technology, and computing sectors, at such innovation leaders as Nortel, Ericsson, Adaptive Mobile Security, Firstmark where he built national and dense urban networks in France, Germany, UK, Italy and others. Based in Dublin Lorcan enjoys road riding, sailing and restoring classic motorcycles.

Paul Copping - CTO, Fawley Waterside, CEO, Maxathon Ltd

Paul Copping has had a career spanning software  telecoms, transport and smart cities. He is currently Chief Technology Officer at Fawley Waterside,  a new build "intelligent merchant city" on the Solent waterfront and backing on to the New Forest National Park.  With 1500 homes and a large commercial and Innovation campus, this development has the opportunity to implement best practice in every phase of its design, build an operations. 


Stephen Lorimer - Smart London Strategy and Delivery Officer for the Mayor of London, Greater London Authority

Dr. Stephen Lorimer is the Smart London Strategy and Delivery Officer for the Mayor of London at the Greater London Authority. He works in the Smart London Team who is responsible for the Mayor's plans and programmes in smart city technologies and innovation in digital public services. This includes drafting and implementing the Mayor’s roadmap to make London the smartest city in the world and managing the Smart London Board.  Before his work for the Mayor, he was an academic in city technology plans and advanced spatial analysis in London and New York after a career as an urban planning and design consultant to local authorities across the UK, Ireland, and France. 

Llewelyn Morgan - Service Manager – Infrastructure and Innovation. Co-founder and Co-chair of Oxford Smart City , Oxfordshire County Council

Llewelyn leads a newly established service area within Oxfordshire County Council that leads on Innovation for the Council. The Service has been built up by Llewelyn and colleagues, starting as a small outward focused Research and Innovation team, leading on developing innovative strategies and projects in Transport and Environment it is now broadening its scope to encompass challenges in Social Care, Education, Public Health supporting these directorates to work collaboratively on innovative solutions to long held or increasing problems. The service has built up a good reputation working on 24 IUK, H2020 and EIB projects to date such as the DRIVEN CAV2 project and a new V2G project, a number of EV and CAV3 projects. These are delivered in partnership with Oxford’s and other UK/international Universities and private sector partners. Llewelyn leads work on developing collaborative approaches to real world problems, this has lead to collaborations such as MobOx, Culham City (AV Test Bed), Zipabout Platform development. Along with City Council colleagues he established the Smart Oxford group with Oxford’s Universities, LEP and local businesses to establish the “Smart City” vision for the Oxford City Region and develop collaborations, providing the opportunity for innovative organisations to meet Oxfordshire’s challenges and at the same time develop worldwide market opportunities.

Felix Sanchez-Garcia - Lead Data Scientist, GeoSpock

Felix is a leading expert in Machine Learning and Data Science. He holds a PhD in Machine Learning from Columbia University in New York and has accumulated more than 10 years of experience applying Data Science in contrasting fields (news and media, cancer research, e-commerce and telecommunications).

Tony Sceales - Head of Programme Development, 5G Programme, Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS)

Tony Sceales is Head of Programme Development on the DCMS 5G Testbeds and Trials Programme.

The £200m Programme has been central to the funding and development of a wide range of 5G testbeds, creating momentum and accelerating deployment of 5G networks across the UK.

Tony has spent over 25 years in the telecoms and technology industries, working on major projects at global firms including BT, IBM, Telstra, KPN, Swisscom, Prudential and China Gas, as well as with growth start-up innovators.

He is an Ambassador and former Executive Committee member of the TM Forum, and collaborated in producing some of the key thinking around partnership business models and B2B2X trading.

His role at DCMS is to drive engagement with key players across industry sectors to encourage successful 5G investment and adoption in the UK.

SIG Champions

Dejan Bojic - Director, Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT), Director, High Summits Consulting

Dejan is a senior consultant who has advised a range of clients across both public and private sectors. His particular focus is development of open and shared connectivity and data infrastructure to support product development and service transformation within complex innovation ecosystems.

Dejan’s currently employed by the UK government's Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) where he leads the technology advisory team within Future Networks Programme. Prior to this role he has successfully delivered Digital Connectivity Infrastructure Accelerator (DCIA) programme for DSIT/DCMS.

A firm believer in creating value through collaboration between public and private sectors and across technology layers, Dejan’s aspiration as a SIG Champion is to shine a spotlight on market innovation opportunities through CW’s uniquely rich network of experts and influencers.

David Brown - Founding Director, Futurehand Ltd

David has spent the past 15 years helping start-up/scale-up companies in the UK build successful Customer Service, Customer Success, and Professional Services teams. He has done this mainly as a player/coach; initially working with customers himself and only building teams once he’s gained a clear understanding of what's needed to support the company's unique customer base.

In 2015, he used the knowledge gained from years of working in web analytics to found Adavow, an ad suppression platform that enables advertisers and ad networks to stop serving digital ads to consumers who have recently purchased a similar item, which increases digital budget efficiency by 10% or more.

David is a keen believer that the best way to become successful is to help others become successful and "What comes around, goes around."

Mary-Ann Claridge - Founder, Mandrel Systems

Mary-Ann is the Lead data scientist at Mandrel Systems. She started her career with research into sonar (think Hunt for Red October without Sean Connery). She is now embracing application and technical domains including education (all the analysis, modelling and visualisation for BestCourse4Me), smart city, retail, voice and speech recognition, and financial and logistical optimisation.

Daniel Clarke - Head of Technology and Innovation, Greater Cambridge Partnership

Dan leads the Smart Cambridge Programme which was set up to explore how data, innovative technology and better connectivity can be used to transform the way people live, work and travel in the Greater Cambridge area and beyond. Local councils, technology businesses, university researchers and partner organisations are working together to find smart ways to tackle city challenges, such as transport and air quality.

John Davies - International Trade Adviser – Technology, Department for Business and Trade, Director, Strategy 4 Technology Ltd, Thematic Group Co-Leader, United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC)

John has carried out a unique mix of strategic and operational roles with placements in the USA and Europe and partnerships in Asia. Over recent years much of his private sector and Government activities has been in the area of mobile and wireless communications, digital media, Smart Cities, Cloud and Big Data and M2M/IoT as well as emerging and disruptive technologies. Helping technology start ups in the UK and internationally sourcing technology and partners as well as provide due diligence in areas of M&A and stock listings. Operating as a UK Government Advisor John has briefed both UK and International Government Ministers and Departments on Smart Cities and respective technologies and applications. This has included providing international workshops, mentoring and consulting at senior levels. John has designed and ran awareness and implementation workshops for international companies and led international delegations to overseas markets, the most recent to Singapore and Malaysia in partnership with InnovateUK. John is an active member of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Smart Cities. John will be engaging with potential new international companies and organisations, and supporting CW member companies.

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The Bradfield Centre, Cambridge Science Park, 184 Cambridge Science Park, Milton Road, Cambridge, CB4 0GA

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