Virtual Jobs & Careers Fair

Brought to you by Cambridge Network

If you are a job seeker looking for a new opportunity, make sure to put this date in the diary! The Cambridge Network Virtual Jobs & Careers Fair will take place on September the 20th from 11am - 4pm.

About the event

This event is perfect for job seekers looking to connect with hiring businesses. This online event will feature a combination of companies showcasing their companies and job vacancies and recruitment experts offering support for your job search.

Join us if you are

  • Looking to kick start your career
  • Experienced and looking to advance or change your career
  • Currently out of work and looking for job search advice
  • Want expert guidance on your CV?
  • In a role and just curious as to what is available right now
  • Need help to navigate your job search

Everyone is welcome!

Employers: If you are recruiting or just want to raise your profile, please get in touch for details of how to present or headline sponsor this event.

You can follow @@CambNetwork on Twitter.

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