Website FAQs

Navigating the CW Dashboard

Welcome to the CW Dashboard, from here you can edit your profile, manage your contact preferences and view your CW event registrations.

CW Members can also use the dashboard to update their organisational details, manage their membership and upload content to the CW website.

We’d like to encourage everyone to log on, check their details and update their marketing preferences. If you don’t know your password, you can reset it here.

If you are a contact of more than one organisation on the CW website, you can switch between them by clicking on the button in the top menu with your organisation's name and choosing a different organisation. Your personal details, including primary email, will be the same for all organisations you are a member of.

If you encounter any issues navigating the site or need to change any details on your account, please contact

Below are guides that will help you to get the most out of your CW account and membership:

Updating your personal details (including your marketing preferences)

Making sure we have your current contact details means that we can keep you up to date with the latest CW news and events. We’d also like to check that we’re sending you information that is relevant to the areas you’re interested in, so would appreciate you updating your marketing preferences.

My Details
  • Once you log in to the CW website, navigate to the 'My account' button on the top right of the scree to open up the dashboard menu and select 'Edit my details'. The first tab will be the 'My Details' section
  • If the email address we have here is a personal one and you would like to amend it to your work email please contact and we can amend it for you.
  • Here you can add details like your phone number and an alternative email address. Please note that we will only use these additional contact methods if we are unable to get in touch with you via your primary email address.
  • We ask for gender and year of birth to hgelp us measure the demographics of our network, however this is optional if you would prefer not to disclose this information.
  • There is a tab for addresses, there's no need to add an address here.
Contact Preferences
  • To ensure you receive our emails please make sure that the email option is toggled on.
  • Sign up for our newsletters, Special Interest Group emails, flagship conferences (CWIC, CW TEC and Cambridge Tech Week) and any additional areas we work in that you might be interested in.
  • Make sure you hit 'Save' when you're finished.

We're always looking to get to know our members better, so we can show you tailored content that is relevant to your interests. Under the Personalisation tab you can select different technology areas from across the ecosystem that you have a particular interest in. We will then be able to show you the events and news that is most important to you at the top of your CW feeds.

Managing your organisation’s details

There are a number of admin roles on the CW Dashboard that serve different functions, with different leves of access rights to amend organsation details. Contacts who have not been assigned one of these roles will not be able to edit organisation details and will only be able to amend their personal information. The admin roles are:

Key Contact: every organisation has a key contact, who has the admin rights to amend the company information, add news, events, and jobs and will receive details of membership renewals. The key contact is also the person from each member organisation who votes in the annual CW Board elections.

Finance Contact: has the admin rights to update the billing details for the organisation and will receive details of membership renewals.

Marketing Contact: has the admin rights to amend the company information and add jobs, news and events.

HR Contact: has the admin rights to add jobs to the CW jobs board.

Company details
  • Once you log in to the CW website, navigate to the 'My account' button on the top right of the scree to open up the dashboard menu and select 'Edit my organisation'. The first tab will be the 'Company Details' section.
  • Here you can add and amend information about your organisation, including a logo and profile that will form the basis of your listing in the CW Member Directory. The organisational email and phone number added here will be shown on you page in the member directory, so please make sure these are contact methods you are happy to be publicly available. 
  • Please choose the areas that your organisation operates in from the list of Technologies and Sectors. This will help CW to provide relevant services to our members and help visitors to our website find you in the member directory.
  • Please add any domains that your organisation uses for email here to ensure that any colleagues signing up for a CW account, or registering for an event, can be automatically added to your membership and receive their member benefits and discounted ticket prices.
  • Also on this page you can assign admin roles to colleagues that are already added to your organisation. The different roles are defined above.
  • Make sure you hit 'Save' when you're finished.
Company addresses
  • Here you can add and amend the addresses of any offices your organisations has, including billing and correspondence addresses.
User access

Keep your organisation's website users up to date to make sure all of your colleagues are making the most of your membership.

  • In this tab you can add new users to your membership but hitting the 'Add user' button. All you need to add is their name, email address and job title. Once added they will receive a welcome email from us asking them to complete their profile, so please make sure you let them know that you're adding them so they know to expect it.
  • You can see the complete list of people who are associated with your organisation here as well. If they have been given an admin role previously that tag will be shown under their name.
  • Clicking on the 'options' button alongside their name gives you the ability to:
    • edit their basic details (name, email, job and phone number).
    • remove them from your organisation. Please note this will not delete them from our records, just detatch them from your organisation and membership.
    • assign them an admin role.

Adding an event listing

If you are the organisation’s key contact or a marketing contact, you will have the admin rights to add events onto the event listing on the CW website. Once an event has been submitted to the website it will be reviewed by one of the CW team and you will receive an email confirmation when it has been posted on to the site.

  • Events can be added by navigating to the 'Add my content' page from the 'My account' menu.
  • Once on the Add my content page, you will see 3 boxes at the top of the screen, select the one that says 'Submit an event'.
  • This first page will be pre-filled with your details, click the 'Next' button to add your event.
  • Fill in each of the boxes with as much information as you can, making sure you complete the required fields marked with an *
  • If you're not ready to publish your event you can come back to it later by selecting ‘Save draft’
  • If the event is ready to be posted select ‘Next’
  • The event will be reviewed by the CW Team within 2 working days of submission
  • You can review all posted events on the 'Add your content' page, going to the second row of boxes and clicking on 'Event Submissions'. Here you can see the title of the event, the status (either Draft, Pending, Approved or Rejected) and who submitted it. To amend any details of the event, click on 'View details'. At the bottom of the details page there's a button to allow you to edit the event.

If you have any questions regarding the posting of events onto the CW website, please contact us at

Adding a news article

If you are the organisation’s key contact or a marketing contact, you will have the admin rights to add articles into the news listing on the CW website. Once an article has been submitted to the website it will be reviewed by one of the CW team and you will receive an email confirmation when it has been posted on to the site.

  • News articles can be added by navigating to the 'Add my content' page from the 'My account' menu.
  • Once on the Add my content page, you will see 3 boxes at the top of the screen, select the one that says 'Submit a news article'.
  • Add in the title of your article and a 'Teaser'. The Teaser should be a sentence or two to describe the content of your piece, and will be displayed on the news listing page.
  • Fill in each of the boxes with as much information as you can, making sure you complete the required fields marked with an *
  • If you're not ready to publish your article you can come back to it later by selecting ‘Save draft’
  • If the article is ready to be posted select ‘Next’
  • The article will be reviewed by the CW Team within 2 working days of submission
  • You can review all posted articles on the 'Add your content' page, going to the second row of boxes and clicking on 'News Submissions'. Here you can see the title of the article, the status (either Draft, Pending, Approved or Rejected) and who submitted it. To amend any details of the article, click on 'View details'. At the bottom of the details page there's a button to allow you to edit it.

If you have any questions regarding the posting of news articles onto the CW website, please contact us at

Adding a job vacancy

If you are the organisation’s key contact or a marketing contact, you will have the admin rights to add job vacancies onto the jobs listing on the CW website. Once a job has been submitted to the website it will be reviewed by one of the CW team and you will receive an email confirmation when it has been posted on to the site.

  • Job vacancies can be added by navigating to the 'Add my content' page from the 'My account' menu.
  • Once on the Add my content page, you will see 3 boxes at the top of the screen, select the one that says 'Submit a job vacancy'.
  • This first page will be pre-filled with your details, click the 'Next' button to add your job.
  • Fill in each of the boxes with as much information as you can, making sure you complete the required fields marked with an *
  • If you're not ready to publish your job you can come back to it later by selecting ‘Save draft’
  • If the job is ready to be posted select ‘Next’
  • The job will be reviewed by the CW Team within 2 working days of submission
  • You can review all posted job vacancies on the 'Add your content' page, going to the second row of boxes and clicking on 'Job Submissions'. Here you can see the title of the job, the status (either Draft, Pending, Approved or Rejected) and who submitted it. To amend any details of the job, click on 'View details'. At the bottom of the details page there's a button to allow you to edit it.

If you have any questions regarding the posting of job vacancies onto the CW website, please contact us at