BIOS Health

BIOS is unlocking the potential of the nervous system in treating chronic disease by using AI-powered neural interfaces that can automatically read and write neural signals. The human nervous system carries vast quantities of data and scientists have long known that faulty signals in the nervous system play a key role in driving chronic diseases. By understanding and correcting these...

Company profile

BIOS is unlocking the potential of the nervous system in treating chronic disease by using AI-powered neural interfaces that can automatically read and write neural signals. The human nervous system carries vast quantities of data and scientists have long known that faulty signals in the nervous system play a key role in driving chronic diseases. By understanding and correcting these signals in real time, BIOS can treat chronic illnesses in an effective, automated, and personalised way. BIOS has leveraged recent breakthroughs in AI and Machine Learning to translate the “language” of the nervous system for the first time. BIOS’ neural code is built on the world’s largest proprietary neural data set and is already in use clinically to enhance data from wearables used in remote chronic disease care.

Co-founded by Cambridge University graduates Emil Hewage, a computational neuroscientist, and Oliver Armitage, a biomechanical engineer, BIOS is made up of a wide range of experts from neuroscience, machine learning, software engineering, applied biomaterials, biotechnology, and medicine. The combined experience of the BIOS team extends to over 300 peer-reviewed publications, 10+ First of kind medical devices and 6k+ clinical procedures.


Location info - UK

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Location info - BIOS Health

Suite A, 1st Floor
72 Hills Road
United Kingdom

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