NNL is the UK’s national laboratory for nuclear fission. Government owned but operationally independent, we have built a distinct identity as the UK’s technical authority – promoting UK skills and interests whilst tackling global challenges. We channel our work into four strategic areas: Clean Energy, Health and Nuclear Medicine, Environmental Restoration and Security and Non-Proliferation. These four Focus Areas are the cornerstones of our ambition, shaping what we deliver to our customers and for UK society, and how we invest in our future.
We are custodians of a unique set of facilities and capabilities that enable ground-breaking nuclear research and development – including four world-leading laboratories in the North West of England. The most important asset for our future success, however, is our people. We are fortunate to be gifted with some of the most creative and inspired scientific minds in our sector, in the world.
Everyone in our workforce is here to deliver environmentally and financially sustainable solutions to the major challenges of the 21st century, with the support of our customers and partners in government, academia and the supply chain.