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  • We love old tech and design classics but there’s at least one exception: your Content Management System

    We all have our favourite old technology that we can’t bear to part with.

    added by KISS 3 min Read
  • Edutech - the education saviour?

    Successful class engagement and successful marketing both rely on a solid understanding of your audience.

    added by KISS 3 min Read
  • MarTech: how to think about it, how to make it pay its way

    Marketing technology – we all know we need to build our stack, but we’ve also all heard the stories of systems going unused and money wasted. It’s also a rapidly evolving space with hundreds of products to choose from. So, here’s how I advise clients to think about it at the moment.

    added by KISS 3 min Read
  • Scaling success: marketing tactics for complex products

    As you scale up any business, you know there are huge challenges, especially when your offer is very complex or very new. You have larger, more diverse audiences to connect with. Great marketing can help reach almost all of them, as long as it is done with intelligence and a good core strategy.

    added by KISS 2 min Read
  • The no-cookies diet, and how to survive it

    Inbound marketing is an ever-shifting space, and right now is no exception. As Google finally makes moves around removing third-party cookies, the way to survive and thrive is to deliver great content within a solid strategy.

    added by KISS 2 min Read
  • Five key insights from brightonSEO

    I was lucky enough to attend this year’s brightonSEO conference, which was a fantastic, full-on, informative, fun and well-organised event.

    added by KISS 3 min Read
  • Mastering the mindset: ditching imposter syndrome

    My working life started back in the early 90s in a predominantly male industry. I was the only female as one of four trainees, and I was always the one asked to make the drinks, do the photocopying...the list was endless.

    added by KISS 3 min Read
  • Mastering inbound marketing – wrangling data for your strategy’s success

    Capturing potential leads through timely, engaging content is an increasingly high-ROI marketing investment – but to make sure you implement inbound marketing effectively, you need top data wranglers, or you risk wasting your efforts.

    added by KISS 2 min Read
  • Inbound marketing – it’s all about attitude, experience and content

    Inbound marketing – we all know it works and that we should be doing more of it. But you can’t just make it the bedrock of your content marketing strategy and declare victory. The whole organisation needs to have the right systems and mindset in place for you to truly succeed.

    added by KISS 3 min Read
  • The SEO diaries: part 1 – mastering the dark art of SEO

    Over two-thirds (68%) of online journeys begin on a search engine, and of all the clicks generated through search engines on desktop devices, 45.1% are organic, underscoring the preference users have for organic search results over alternative sources like paid advertisements.

    added by KISS 5 min Read
  • The SEO diaries: part 2 – content is king, but strategy is kingmaker

    McKinsey’s 2022 Future of B2B sales report found that 'around 57% of B2B sellers feel the content their marketing team produces is "generic and unresponsive"'.

    added by KISS 4 min Read
  • The multiplier agency

    Over the last few years our capabilities and the way we impact audiences has radically shifted. Our team has transformed to reflect this, and our work demonstrates the results, so we felt it was time to bring this to life and clearly articulate the value we bring.

    added by KISS 3 min Read

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